
1: Backup settings first.

Always backup your settings: Exporting settings
Pro tip: click Options and click the blue "Quick Backup" linkbutton.
Technical info on settings location: Managing Settings

2: Download/Update and install new version.

Licensed users: The latest Ol Monitor version is currently : (unable to retrieve version info)

Getting the newest version:

Trial users:  Go to the Download page.

Registered users:  Contact for the link to download the full version or use updater below.
Refer to the Download page for more detailed instructions on installing.

Please note:   The old updater included with the installer is now working again, albeit with some confusing prompts.

Try new Updater:   A new, enhanced updater is now available.

Licensed users Contact me to get this free utility.
Refer to this Blog post or watch the video below for more information:
3: Installer steps.

The wizard will guide you through the installation process:
You will need your serial number to install the paid version.
The installer will ask you if you want to uninstall the old version first.  In most cases I would skip this and just install over it.
Either way you do it your settings are supposed to be saved. 
But you backed up your settings right?  In rare cases you might need to uninstall first so the new files can be written to the drive.
Refer to the Download page for more detailed instructions on installing.

4: Find your settings.

*Note: Sometimes it may appear that settings are lost or changed when you start the updated Ol Monitor. This is because the new install may have changed the default settings location.
You can toggle back and forth between settings locations to find your old settings. On the main OlMonitor program (not inside the options menu), click Options-Reload with ...
Reloading with other settings location.

5: Stay informed.

Sign up for the newsletter.  The 'newsletter' mostly consists of update notifications.  Emails are infrequent (about 4-5 a year), and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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